Once you near the end of your orthodontic treatment, it’s time to say goodbye to the little bumps known as Invisalign attachments. For months, these tiny protrusions have been helping your teeth move into their desired positions. Now that your results have been achieved, their services are no longer required. But does it hurt?
Continue reading to learn more about Invisalign attachments and what it’s like to have them taken off.
What Do Invisalign Attachments Do?
Most patients choose to use Invisalign as their orthodontic treatment because the aligners are discreet. However, they can’t create the tension needed to move some more stubborn teeth. This is where the attachments come in. They stick through the entire treatment and create a grip for your aligners to pull on to make bigger changes.
What Is the Removal Process for Attachments?
You’ll be relieved to know that the removal process itself is typically quick and straightforward. Your dentist will use a specialized tool to gently chip away at each attachment, removing it from your teeth. During this process, you may feel some vibrations through your teeth as your dentist removes it from the tooth’s surface. However, the tool doesn’t cause any damage to your enamel.
Does it Hurt to Have Your Invisalign Attachments Removed?
Most patients who have their Invisalign attachments removed describe the feeling as “strange” rather than “painful.” There’s some pressure as the buffing tool slowly grinds down the bumps, but it doesn’t typically cause any discomfort. After your dentist prepares the small instrument, it only takes a few minutes to get your pearly whites clean and smooth again.
What Happens After the Attachments are Removed?
After your attachments are removed, you may feel a little bit of phantom discomfort in your teeth due to vibrations. However, this doesn’t typically last long. If you feel anxious about the process or begin to experience any tenderness or discomfort, communicate this to your dentist. They’ll be happy to stop and check on you to ensure your comfort.
Invisalign attachment removal is an all-around smooth and painless process for most patients. With a relaxed mindset, you can breeze through this final step of your Invisalign treatment and enjoy your smile. So, rest assured that while there may be a bit of buffing, it’s all part of the process to create a picture-perfect smile!
About the Author
Dr. Vincenzo Artino is a talented and friendly dentist who enjoys getting to know his patients and helping them achieve a smile that’s a perfect ten! He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine and got to work right after. Dr. Vinnie is committed to lifelong learning and has regularly expanded his skills through advanced training. Call Lakewood Complete Dentistry at (303) 238-2800 to schedule an Invisalign consultation or visit the website to explore other treatments they provide.