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Do I Really Need an Extraction if My Tooth Isn’t Bothering Me?

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakewoodcomplete @ 9:35 pm
Woman on blue background holding up hands to support question mark illustrations

The human body is complicated. Usually, it’s pretty good about telling you when something’s wrong, which might be why you thought you didn’t need a tooth extraction. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, warning signs aren’t always communicated. If your dentist is suggesting your tooth needs to be evicted, that could very well be the case. Keep reading to learn about the more common reasons why.

Tooth Decay Came in Under the Radar

When bacteria sits on your pearly whites for long enough, it will turn into plaque and tartar. These icky substances eat away at your teeth, gradually forming the dental holes you know as “cavities”.

Under normal circumstances, a small, unnoticeable cavity will grow until it touches your dental nerves. That’s how your body knows to send pain signals. But suppose your cavity grows just large enough to cause significant damage without alerting your nerves. You’ll have a serious problem without being able to feel a thing! If your tooth can’t be repaired with a filling, it’ll have to be extracted.

Gum Disease Spread Too Quickly

Like cavities, gum disease develops as a result of unaddressed bacteria. This infection can’t be treated with antibodies, doesn’t go away on its own, and spreads through your mouth like wildfire. That’s why dentists are so adamant about brushing twice a day, flossing once per day, and stopping by for a biannual professional cleaning.

Gum disease can also sneak past your nerves’ detection or deteriorate them to the point of unfeeling. But there’s an additional risk. If left alone, it will damage your gums and oral tissue, resulting in tooth loss. It’s better to avoid this by extracting infected teeth when necessary.

Proactive Dental Scenarios

Your teeth might not be hurting yet, but complicated growth can cause discomfort, shift your dental alignment, or throw off your bite. Of course, these are all possibilities for a tooth that erupts at a crooked angle. However, another problematic scenario is when one can’t come in because another pearly white is blocking its path. This is known as an “impaction” and is most often the case with wisdom teeth.

Both instances might sound uncomfortable, but they aren’t always noticeable. Still, your mouth simply doesn’t have enough room, so more space must be made to preserve your oral wellbeing. The solution is – you guessed it – a tooth extraction.

At the end of the day, your dentist is an experienced professional. If they think you need a tooth extraction, you probably do, even when the tooth in question isn’t bothering you at all. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask questions, though. In fact, your dentist might prefer it if you did! So if you’re unsure about the reason for your extraction, go ahead and give them a call – ideally before your treatment.

About the Author

After graduating from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Vincenzo Artino almost immediately got to work – at three different dental offices simultaneously! He seems to have boundless enthusiasm and will put his energetic work-ethic to good use during your treatment. Dr. Vinnie will consider every other option before resorting to a tooth extraction, but should the need arise, he can help you close the gap with quality dental replacements. To contact his office, call 303-238-2800.

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